Increase your earnings with zero risk and no stocks to watch. With a CD, you get greater returns than with a regular savings account, and your money is safely stashed away until you really need it. Plus, our competitive rates are locked and funds are federally insured, so you can rest easy while you reach your short-term savings goals.
- Fixed rates, higher than regular savings
- Receive higher rates by selecting a longer term
- Provides more guarantee than other risky investments
- Set aside for future savings goals
- A wide range of terms available (from 6 months to 5 years)
- No setup or maintenance fees
- Early withdrawals subject to penalty*
- Renews automatically upon maturity after 10 day grace period
- $1,000 minimum deposit to open
*Early withdrawals may result in the following penalties:
- 6 months interest forfeited for maturities of 1 year or less
- 12 months interest forfeited for maturities over 1 year