At most banks, a debit card is just a convenient piece of plastic. But for our Kasasa® account holders, a debit card is your golden ticket to qualify for rewards. Sign up for free Kasasa checking account, and use your card to qualify for rewards that matter to you, including nationwide ATM fee refunds. It's all the convenience of a free Mastercard® debit card, with all the benefits of Harvest Bank.
- Free Mastercard debit card accepted around the globe and online
- Use your debit card to qualify for rewards with free Kasasa Cash® and Kasasa Cash Back® checking accounts
- Safer than carrying cash
- More convenient and safer than checks
- Eliminate cost of purchasing checks
- 24/7 access to funds via ATMs
- Easily withdraw funds from ATMs
- Easily replaced if lost or stolen
We offer some options to help keep your accounts protected.
Harvest Bank Mobile App
Monitor transactions and activity on the Harvest Bank mobile app (search for “Harvest Bank mobile” in your apple or android app store).
The “Card Control” function (upper right icon of the Harvest Bank mobile app) allows you to select options to freeze your card, limit transaction types, or amounts (additionally, protect your checking account by going to “e-alerts and messages,” to receive email alerts for all transactions over a certain amount of your choosing).
Fraud on your card?
Please call your Harvest Bank branch directly, or after banking hours, contact Shazam at 1-800-383-8000.
If neural network detects suspicious activity, you will be texted or called. We recommend adding Shazam to your phone's contacts with the following info:
- Text message alerts from: 72718
- Automated phone calls from: 855-219-5399
Identity Theft Resolution
Your MasterCard card includes an Identity Theft Resolution Services benefit. To learn more about this valuable benefit, please call 1-800-MC-ASSIST (1-800-622-7747). To request a printed Guide to Benefits, stop by or call the bank. You can also visit the MasterCard website for a full description of the new benefits and how to use them.