When you have financing needs for an ongoing project or event, a home equity line of credit is an affordable and hassle-free way to get funding. Simply apply and get approved once, and then tap into your line of credit as necessary. As you pay off your principal, more funds will become available for use. And because your home's equity is used collateral, you'll be able to lock in competitive rates.
- Competitive rates for several ongoing or seasonal needs:
- Major life events
- Major home improvements
- Debt consolidation
- Emergency reserve
- And much more!
- The existing equity in your home is used as collateral backing
- Accommodating repayment terms that work uniquely for you
- Funds available anytime without reapplying; apply once, then use repeatedly thereafter
- Revolving credit – as principal is repaid, more becomes available for use
- Funds easily available by mail or via in-person, online, or phone transfers to a specified Harvest Bank checking account
- Set up automatic payments to be deducted from your account monthly
- Local decision-making and processing in our community
- Attentive, friendly service from start to finish